i was bleeding from my mouth profusely and in agony while my mom watched and did nothing until my boyfriend arrived to help me
This dream could potentially hold various meanings depending on your personal experiences and emotions. However, it seems to reflect feelings of vulnerability, pain, and a desire for support.
The bleeding from your mouth could symbolize a deep emotional or psychological pain that you are experiencing. It could represent feeling hurt or wounded by someone or something in your waking life. This pain may be overwhelming, suggested by the intensity of the bleeding and your agony in the dream.
The presence of your mom watching but doing nothing could symbolize feelings of abandonment, neglect, or a lack of support from a maternal figure or authority figure in your life. This might suggest that you feel left alone to deal with your suffering, left to cope with your pain on your own.
The arrival of your boyfriend to help you in the dream could signify the presence of someone in your life who provides emotional support and comfort during challenging times. It highlights the need for support and the longing for someone who will care for you and help alleviate your pain.
Overall, this dream may be indicating your subconscious desire for assistance, care, and empathy from those close to you, particularly during times of distress. It might be beneficial to reflect upon your relationships and consider if there is a need for better communication and support.